Detention on probation and fines for crane blockade

On saturday the 2.09.1997 seven environmental activists, who occupied 3 cranes at a motorway construction site one week before, were sentenced in a 12 hour long trial after being in prison on remand for 1 week.

2 people were sentenced to 3 and 4 month in prison on a probationary perion of 2 years. The other 5 were sentenced for fines of up to 450 pounds.

This was the first time that a new law was used against political activists, which allowed the police to imprison the people on remand for up to one week, when the trial is during this time. This seems to be the new line against non-violent protest in germany...

With this they have now created a precident for this. So it´s even more important to support the activists now.
Urgently required is money to finance the costs for the trial and fines !!!

Donations to: Alexandra Zimmer, Raiffeisenbank Arnstadt (this is the institute), Kontonr.: 5732263, Blz.: 82064128 (number of the institute)
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